

The Osprey LAB - A compact dual 12” subwoofer design for high fidelity, high output applications

The Single LAB - An (even more) compact version of the Osprey LAB, designed for a friend as an automotive subwoofer

A Simple Transistor Audio Amplifier - A nice little transistor amp designed for a 1U chassis and 28v transformer


StoryWard -A web application for collaborative storybuilding in the style of a create-your-own-advendute book, built with Ruby on Rails in a 7-day sprint at Dev Bootcamp in San Francisco.

FFilter - Spectral filtering in the most heavy-handed way possible, using Python

Boosterworks - Shift Scheduling Software for Volunteer Organizations

Granular Synth - Using MATLAB for granular processing of existing WAV files


Using a USB RNDIS Modem as a WAN device